Friday, November 28, 2008

Cavities Of Facial Bones

Are getting cold and headaches frequently? Wondering what must be the problem with your nose and headache? Don’t think it is a normal cold and headache for which an aspirin is enough; it might be a problem with sinuses which lead to a chronic bacterial infection if left untreated.
Now, let’s see what actually sinuses are, sinuses are small gaps or say cavities within our facial bones. There are four pairs of gaps, located on either side of the nose in your cheeks, behind and between the eyes, in the forehead, and at the back of the nasal cavity, namely
1. Ethmoid: present b/w nose n eyes
2. Frontal: above the eyes
3. Maxillary: cheek bones
4. Spenoid: behind ethmoid and eyes.
And now what is the use of these cavities, some scientists say that, presence of these gaps lighten up our skull , they help in resonance of our voice and they also help in exchange of mucus and air. Mucus membrane is a thin layer covering the nasal cavity which produces the mucus. When you get cold or any allergies the layer gets irritated and swollen and produces more mucus. When mucus and air get trapped inside the sinus, problem occurs, which is cold and headache called as sinusitis. When the problem is not checked immediately, it might lead to bacterial infections. You know, how much these tiny organisms like our bodies, to play their games and live happily ever. Symptoms are headache, fever, cold, fatigue, facial swellings, mucous discharge, etc. we can control sinus with our diet itself, we can eat green vegetables, fruits, salads raw garlic and onions plenty of water n juices, ginger and cinnamon tea is preferred,avioid oily and junk foods avoid sweets, milk products, cool drinks and ice creams. Prevention is better than cure, especially in the case of this sinusitis. Because when the sinusitis become chronic, a endoscope surgery must be done or else the person must bear the headaches and irritating cold till he dies. Even though the surgery is painful, the results are good, they suck out the blocked mucus and and leave the cavities (gaps) empty and clear.

Monday, November 17, 2008


A lot of horror movies have been showcased all over the world in many languages. I am speaking about the ghostly movies in which a person would be possessed by some evil spirit. We have to appreciate the movie makers with those wild imaginations and the person acting. And if you are lucky you could have seen people in real life who are said to have possessed by a spirit. There are people like that all over the world. Some believe that exorcism can drive away the spirit. Some say that it is also a type of illness. Well, we can keep on thinking, how these spirits enter into the body, how they function in our system, where from they come, why the hell they like to posses these people. Forget all these complicated questions. Just try to understand a medical condition called schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic, brain disease. People with schizophrenia suffer from terrifying symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized and unusual thinking and speech mostly without any sense to others. An auditory hallucination, which is they tend to hear voices which the other people would not hear and they think that someone is controlling them and noticing their activities, this can be understood by having a conversation with them.
Hallucination are of different types may be an auditory (sound), visual (sight), tactile (touch), gustatory (taste), and olfactory (smell). The most prevalent one among the schizophrenia patients is the auditory. Next is about delusions, delusions can be defined as false beliefs, which is not reality. They tend to believe something which has never happened in reality, like they are being harassed, cheated or poisoned or these are focused on to someone very important to them or it might even be a cultural one. They have perceptions of reality which is strikingly different from reality of other people. As they live in distorted world filled with delusions and hallucinations, they feel frightened, anxious, and confused, unsafe.
These people behave differently at different times without making any sense to others surrounding them sometimes they are distant, detached, or preoccupied and may even sit as rigidly as a stone, not moving for hours or uttering a sound. Sometimes they are wide awake, vigilant and alert sensing some unknown danger. So now imagine a person with all these symptoms of schizophrenia, how will the person behave and how will u perceive the person as possessed by evil spirit. Sometimes the person himself can believe that he is possessed by an evil spirit this comes under delusion- false beliefs. And now if we try to understand this disorder chemically they say this disease is because of the malfunctioning of two chemicals glutamate and dopamine in brain. These two chemicals are said be neuro transmitters which are involved in functioning of brain. Am not saying that schizophrenia is misunderstood as the possession of evil spirits, may be they really exist. I found that both these have the same kind of symptoms and thought share with everyone.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Leeches and Medicine?

Take a close look at this yucky organism, what do you think about it? I know your mind would be saying “disgusting”. Believe me or not leeches are used as a device to cure some serious disorders for which doctors have been breaking their heads for decades, one such thing is microsurgery. Now, let’s dig out some history. Before the medicine and surgery went molecular and mechanical, physicians depended on what was available in the surroundings to treat illness. The materials used were minerals, metals and stuff from plants and some animal products. One organism which was entirely used was live adult leeches. Up-until a hundred years ago, physician’s bag usually had a few leeches, which were used for blood-letting of patients who had circulation problems. The ancient Egyptians, Greek and Indian medicine men used the leech; they attached the leech to the body for cure and detached it by sprinkling some salt water.
The leeches belong to the class of legless, backboneless animals called annelids or the ringed ones. Of the over 130 species of them, the one used in medicine is called Hirudo medicinalis. Have u ever had a leech bite? Don’t think it as yucky or disgusting; the bite of leeches is painless. I think it is the only organism that can suck our blood out without any pain. It is because of the presence of an anesthetic compound in its saliva. When the leech sticks to our skin immediately releases this compound and the skin at that area becomes numb. Besides this, it has got another enzyme called the hyaluronidase, which can break down the hyaluronic acid, the bonding material of connective tissue and one more is a vasodilator, which increases the diameter of the blood vessels and promote blood flow, this is the reason for the ancient historians to use leeches for the patients with the blood circulation problems.
In biotechnology, leech is of a great interest, this is because of the compound hirudin in its saliva. The potent compound known till date which inhibits the blood clotting and provides a continuous blood flow. This is why our skin remains bleeding even after the leech fall off. Scientists have managed to isolate the gene responsible for the hirudin production and clone it for the artifical production of hirudin for the research of modern medicine.
The leech is invaluable in microsurgery when faced with the difficulties of reattaching minute veins. Ears have such tiny veins that, in the past, no one was able to successfully reattach them. But the leeches have the capacity to save them. And it was proved the use of leeches in reattaching the minute veins which is termed as the microsurgery. Since then, leeches have saved lives and limbs, reducing severe and dangerous venous engorgement post-surgery in fingers, toes, ear, and scalp reattachments; limb transplants; skin flap surgery; and breast reconstruction. Medical use of leeches also includes treatment of black eyes, and hirudin is used in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear. Hirudin is also being developed for experimental use as a systemic anticoagulant, and may prove useful in invitro blood sampling.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

The proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away “addresses the health benefits of the fruit. Everybody would have heard this saying right from their childhood, but many people would not have known the exact benefits of the fruit technically. How can an apple keep a doctor away? We shall now talk about it technically, the goodness of an apple.
Apples contain vitamin C, phenols and flavonoids, which are natural anti oxidants which can prevent heart disease and some cancers like colon cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Vitamin C can actively prevent aging and improve our body's immune system.
Easy on the digestion, apples contain malic and tartaric acids that inhibit fermentation in the intestines. Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Because of their high water content, apples are cooling and moistening and aid in reducing fever. They also reduce tooth decay by cleaning one's teeth, killing off bacteria and also give the gums massage.

The medicinal properties of the fruit are muscle tonic, diuretic, laxative, antidiarrheal, antirheumatic, and stomachic. Research reports have revealed that apples increase the production of a chemical compound called “acetylcholine “, a neurotransmitter which very much required for the brain functioning and in addition they found a compound called “quercetin” which is capable of protecting the brain cells. Therefore apples can reduce neuro- degenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease.

Now, you could have decided how true the proverb is, but whatever I have given here are only a few facts about the fruit. There are still more compounds in the fruit like vitamin A, vitamin B1,B2,B3,B5,B6, Folate (vitamin B9) and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium , phosphorous, potassium and zinc. These are the compounds which enrich the nutritional value of the fruit. With all these benefits in a single fruit, who will say no to an apple? No wonder why an apple a day keeps the doctor away .